You Can Be Any Coach You Like

As the role of a coach is to raise the level of consciousness of the client, you learn during the workshop ‘designing questions’ to ‘stir the inner most level of mind’ that ‘surfaces up options’ and ‘activate resources’.

So you ‘get equipped with coaching skills’ to ‘challenge and inspiring’ the client to choose what they want, and ‘set clear goals’.

In InnerMost Shift Coaching, you get trained in ‘Direct communication’ and learn to ‘pace with client’ and help them ‘take initiative and ownership’, remain ever prepared to do what they cherish personally, in relationship or profession.

A coach must make ‘intuitive and sound judgments’, so you learn how to ‘detect patterns’, keep the good one’s and ‘eliminate the unproductive one’s”

Because no coach can succeed until the client gets results, you learn to ‘empower the client to feel courageous’ and connect client to their mental strategies to consistently ‘execute action plan’.

Our training enable you as ‘InnerMost Shift coaches’ to use ‘direct communication’ let the client comfortably reach to a ‘sound level of commitment’ to the self in the present moment.